As a travel professional you want to make sure that your marketing to all types of travels. Whether it is to those looking for a weekend getaway, local travel or out of the country. Have you thought about marketing to those who are planning a destination wedding? How can you as a travel professional keep yourself on top and book those couples as well?
Here are some tips to keep in mind.
With Corona Virus restrictions still on the horizon in many areas couples are wanting to know the best places to travel without having to worry about to many restrictions. However, they are also concerned with staying safe and healthy. Many couples planning a destination wedding have beach weddings on their minds. So as a travel professional can you use your blog articles to offer suggestions on areas where they can possibly go to have their wedding? Perhaps you could speak with some destinations and find out how they are keeping their resorts up to date with the requirements of the covid restrictions. Use this information to pass on to your potential clients. The more information you are up on the more they will build trust with you as the Travel expert that they want to book their trip. Use your website to compile packages that will make you the one stop shop for their travel needs. Perhaps you could create packages that include airfare, car rental and lodging for the wedding couple, wedding party and family attending the wedding. This makes it easier for couples to feel at ease when booking their travel.
Use of your Social Media such as Instagram and Facebook come into play as well when you are trying to reach this market. A lot of people today especially those who are planning a destination wedding are turning to online research to start their wedding planning. Are you getting “social” online and involving people in conversations that are relevant to the times that we are living in? If not, now more than ever this is a must. With so many still reluctant to travel the more you have to offer as far as staying safe and healthy the more you are setting yourself up as the expert in your field.
Can you partner with destination area photographers and caters to add this to a package that you offer? If this is a possibility be sure to mention this in your marketing strategy. The less that people must research and speak to numerous vendors the more ease they feel when it comes to knowing how to navigate this pandemic. Some are unsure of where to book and who to use once they get to the destination. Make yourself stand out as the one who can help with all the concerns that they have.
Set yourself up as the expert and the one to use when it comes to booking a destination wedding. do you have no idea where to start? No problem! That is what we do. Check out our Social Media Packages here.