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How to use Your Blog Effectively for Marketing Travel

People are always looking for safe and new ways to travel.  Especially now with the Corona Virus still restricting certain activities people are wanting information on an easier way to navigate the world of travel while still staying safe and healthy.  How can you as a Travel Expert use your blog articles to give your advice on this subject?

Here are some tips to help you.

  • Blog articles are for people who are searching for information.   These articles do not need to be wordy or long in length.  Around 400 words is best as people lose interest if what they are reading does not keep their interest or is not relevant to them or the issues that affect them.  For instance, right now because of the Corona Virus many people are feeling uneasy about resuming travel.  Although travel may have changed in certain aspects it can still be enjoyable.  Use your blogs to give tips and ideas that will help people see that they can still travel while keeping regulations.  Give them ideas of ways to travel safely in your blogs that will help them see that it can be done.

  • Use bullet points to separate ideas and tips.  Blog articles give “How to” or “tips” that people find usefully in everyday life.  As a travel Professional you can give how to advise on packing for certain areas or tips on trip insurance that help ease the minds of those who may need the insurance if they need to cancel a trip.  If you are viewed as the expert in your field people will use you to book their trip now and in the future.  They will also recommend you to friends and family because they trust you.  Use a photo that is relevant to the topic.  If you are writing an article about air travel don’t post a photo of a train.  

  • Be sure to use SEO (search engine optimized) wording in your blogs.  Using this helps people to find your articles with ease.  For instance, if you are in Miami Florida, you could use something like, “for all your travel needs in Miami, Florida”.  Also make sure that you add a link for them to connect to your website.  After all the whole purpose is for you to book more clients. So be sure they are finding your site.  

Blog articles are an important way to show your expertise in your field as a Travel expert.  If you do not have a blog article currently now would be a great time to add one.  Need someone to help you out?  Let us help!  Check out our Social Media Packages here.

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