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Travel Industry – How to Market During the Pandemic

2020 has been a year for the books.  Every day that you venture out do you feel you are stuck in a Sci-fi movie?  Everyone wearing masks, using hand sanitizer and why is there no toilet paper?  With all this becoming our “new normal” and things we used to do so freely without thinking about, like traveling, how do you in the travel industry keep yourself on the minds of people during this crazy time? 

Here are some ideas for you.

  • Pivot don’t stop.  Although the temptation may be there to just wait this pandemic out that is not the answer.  You still need to keep yourself in the game and on the minds of all those who are itching to plan their next adventure.  The message may have changed but the method is still the same.  Keep your place in the Social Media race!

  • Be adaptable.  With the world in crisis and different parts of the world opening and some slowing down it can be hard to know how to handle the situation.  Keep yourself with the light on so to speak.  Host virtual events and ask meaningful questions to see how your audience is feeling.  People still want to have connection with other people so keep in touch with old and new clients.

  • Be informed.  Many people have no idea to navigate the travel world currently.  Be the expert by helping to answer many of the questions that travelers have on their minds. Know your market and set yourself up as the expert.

  • Ideas.  With the social distancing in place traveling is not as easy to navigate as before.  Offer suggestions on out-of-the-box ideas that customers can do.  Perhaps booking a trip as a family, instead of a city trip perhaps you can put together a package to a destination that is not as populated.  People are more conscious about staying healthy so offer tips on places that are making sure to stay within the guidelines set out.

Keep your team on the minds of travelers and be there to offer your help when they are ready to book that trip.  Social Media platforms are very helpful when it comes to keeping your name out there.  Need help doing this?  Check out our website for all your Social Media needs.


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