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Qantas Airline Case Study

When Qantas decided that millenials were who they needed to target in order to grow, they did two important marketing musts...they defined exactly who their demographic was (18-35 years old who enjoy adventure travel) and they created content on their website that would appeal to that particular group.

How did it turn out for them? In their own words, "quite well and the numbers speak for themselves." If you notice in the chart below, Qantas organic traffic rose over 50 percent in 6 months. This was a home run for the marketing team.

One of the key elements to this success was that they knew traditional marketing campaigns don't work anymore. What works is content marketing. Therefore, articles that were chalked full of informational tips, trends and destination spotlights were written in a way that appealed to the millennial generation.

What can you take away from this as a travel professional?

  1. Define who your target market is (your ideal clients age, gender & financial status)

  2. Create content that appeals to them specifically.

Another take-away is that successfully written content isn't about the sale but about enhancing the traveling experience the moment a decision to go on a trip is made.

It is evident that content marketing is the sole reason Qantas organic reach grew 50 percent in six months. Yes, content marketing can have the same effect for your travel company.

If you're unsure how to use content marketing to grow your business, then please schedule a consultation with us and let's chat. Our entire focus is on content marketing and reaching travelers in a way that excites them about travel and working with you. Are you ready?

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