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How to Pivot your Marketing During the Virus

When it comes to marketing having content that people will be interested in is a must.  However, now that the world is still amid the pandemic changing your message is a must.  People are still sensitive to what the message is that businesses are putting out there.  So how do you as a Travel Expert or Travel destination make sure that your pivoting your marketing positively while still not losing your voice?

Here are some ideas to try out.

  • Be sensitive to the world scene.  It is necessary for business including the travel business to make sure that the message you are sending is sensitive to what we are going through.  With the pandemic affecting so many people and families still losing loved ones the message needs to be appropriate.  There are those who still are wanting to plan travel, so it is important to keep your business going.  But you could change how you advertise. 

  • Use your Blog articles to share what you are doing as a travel destination to be safe.  For instance, if you are a resort how are you keeping your guests safe when they stay with you?  Is your staff implementing different cleaning routines to not only the rooms but also the common areas that guests visit?  How about if you have a restaurant on the premise?  What are the different things you are doing to keep the restaurant extra safe so guests feel comfortable visiting?  Write about these things in your Blog.  Let people know that you care, and you are making the changes to stay in the guidelines of the area that you are in.  People respond to services and companies that care about the issues going on. 

  • Use Social Media such as Instagram and Facebook to get people involved.  Ask what makes them feel safe while traveling and what they look for in a Travel Expert that you can do to get their business.   Keep your Social Media up to date with the different concerns of people and offer suggestions that can ease the minds of those who are starting to travel.  Set yourself up as the expert in you field.

Keeping yourself active now is more important than ever.  As a Travel Expert don’t stop marketing just change the way you market.  Keep yourself in front of potential clients by showing that you are sensitive to the ever-changing world that we live in.  This shows you care, and that people can feel confident that you will do your best to make sure they can enjoy their travels.  Still need a little boost when it comes to Marketing?  Check out our Social Media packages here.

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