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2 Creative Hotel Marketing Ideas to Bring in More Customers

Being in the hotel business affords you great profits and rewards but it’s extremely competitive. You have to really go out of your way to prove to potential customers that you can offer them something others cannot. You have to beat the competition and emerge the true victor.

Easier said than done, right? Yes, but it’s not impossible. We at Travel Writely can attest to this. You just need to be smart about these things. Social media is key here but that’s not enough. The ideas below should help to point you in the right direction.

· Digital Ad Campaigns Can Give You an Edge

You’d be surprised just how brutally effective digital ad campaigns on social media can be. Digital advertising has a way of reaching audiences more than ever before. People are looking to social media and online ideas to start putting together a list of professionals to choose from.

· New Content to Cater to Questions

People will be more willing to book you if they know more about your hotel and what services you offer. The easiest yet most effective way to make people aware of your hotel and increase bookings is via social media. Professionals from travel and numerous other industries have found great success with it. Posting on social media needs to be regular and relevant. So make sure you have a good schedule and post things people will be interested in.

The internet makes it very easy for you to know what your audiences are curious about or wish to know; the problems they want solutions to. Be in the know about what people are interested in and the questions that they want answers to. Create buzz with your Instagram, Facebook and blog articles that will get people motivated to travel to the places you suggest. Ask questions and see what people are thinking. Then, create content with the answers on your websites blog and social media pages. This builds trust and puts your brand in the limelight.

Not sure how to do this or don't have time? Don't worry! We'll do it for you. Check out our Content Marketing packages here and let us take care of the rest!


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