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First paragraph says: 

"The world is a vast place, with infinite cultures and people coloring it. Try as you may, it’s impossible to know everything about all these cultures, and neither is it possible to see them all.  We all travel for different reasons, but one sure thing is this: When we go on vacation, we aim to have fun and experience things we never have before. We journey to places unknown to learn about all the cultures and myths we have read and been told about.  So let’s ask you this: How can you indulge yourself in the greatest things foreign lands have to offer when you’re probably going to be there for little over two weeks? Simple. You go there during the festive season, when the culture of the people is in full bloom as it’s celebrated.  Today, we’re going to talk about a place in the Caribbean Sea, south of Cuba. Let’s just say going there means you’re going to have one heck of a hearty time, whether you want to or not. Prepare yourself…"


Why You Should Travel to the Cayman Islands This Year

  • Microsoft Word Document for easy download. 

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